Shiji Digital PayBy

Provide Secured and customisable payment journey. Ideal for hotel group structure. Fully integrated with PMS

Shiji Digital PayBy
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Product Overview

Shiji PayBy provides a platform to facilitate collecting of card details and payments from guests in a secure and fully integrated manner.  PayBy requests can be generated via the Agent UI or via API and delivered to the guest via SMS, Email or your preferred internal communications tools.

After a card is information is entered or payment made, the information is automatically posted to your PMS without the need for manual entry.
Access to Digital PayBy is fully integrated with your chosen SSO IdP.  Digital PayBy also includes integration to Shiji Payment Platform for payment processing and tokenization.

Años de experiencia

Key Use Cases

Ability to securely collect payment details from a guest and the payment result will be seamlessly updated in the PMS.

Enable users to collect payments for any use case such as Banquets, 3rd Party payments in a complete manner.

All payments processed via eCommerce channels and include the latest 3D Secure (PSD2) as well as Fraud screening.

Reporting, audit/reconciliation and adjustment handling is included for finance.

Productos para la experiencia de sus huéspedes

PayBy Customer Experience

Send payment requests by email or SMS

Payment Request – PMS Integration

Support for Shiji Enterprise Platform and Opera PMS (OWS) allowing users to:

  • Pull reservation detail into PayBy to remove duplicate entry and speed up the payment request creation.
  • View Folio Balance for ease and accuracy for PayBy request link creation.
  • Seamlessly post payments into the PMS or update the stored token.

Payment Request – Template Customizations

Fully customizable templates that support HTML/CSS that enables branding and a seamless guest experience.

Template outlines with placeholder tags are provided for ease of design along with a set of dynamic fields that can be pulled from the database.

Templates can be created based on language, use case, and/or communication method requirements.


With PayBy API, the guest can be provided a seamless experience on their guest journey (pre-arrival, arrival, stay, departure, and post-stay) without the use of Agent UI.

Aside from generating payment request, PayBy provides status updates and notifications.

PayBy Dashboard

The Interactive Dashboard provides an at-a-glance overview, and the ability to click on a segment of interest for further details, including Requests and Payment History.  This information can be exported for further investigation if required.

Finance Transaction Management

Users with sufficient permissions are able to refund transactions in real time within PayBy, provide a reason for the refund, and that refund is also posted to the PMS, this eliminates the need for manual entry saving time.

Full transaction history is available for audit purposes with filters to quickly find transactions.Results of the payment history search can be exported.

Transformación digital para sus clientes

Los mejores hoteleros siempre han ofrecido experiencias excelentes a los clientes. En el siglo 21, la experiencia del cliente también se apoya en soluciones tecnológicas sólidas. Desde check-in y check-out online, hasta la mensajería o el análisis de las opiniones de los clientes, la plataforma Shiji Guest Solutions ofrece herramientas que ayudan a los hoteleros a comprender y deleitar a los clientes, impulsar el crecimiento y asegurar los ingresos. Con más de 60,000 proveedores de alojamiento en todo el mundo que utilizan los productos de Shiji Guest Solutions, un servicio de primera clase y un equipo de asistencia, hay una solución para cada hotel.

Nuestros clientes

Shiji Guest Solutions colabora con algunas de las mejores marcas hoteleras del mundo, ofreciendo a estas y a todos nuestros clientes una tecnología segura e innovadora.

Más información

One of our team will be happy to show you the benefits of Shiji Guest Solutions.

For support please email our team at

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